My big brother has been wheedling, cajoling, and downright nagging me to make him a blanket for years now. It's not that I didn't want to or didn't see it as important, but it did get pushed to the back burner several times. I designed this mossy oak blanket for him and he expressed approval. It still didn't get made, though. When he informed me he was selling his Dukes of Hazzard dvd collection -the entire series! -I almost had a tantrum. The dvds I'd been borrowing from him for years. How could he do this to me? "We-ell," he says. "How much will it cost you to make me a blanket?" I knew at that moment I was at his mercy.
If you'd like the graph from which I made this, contact me at and I'll send you the paypal address or mailing address where you can send $4.