Friday, June 21, 2024


I recently decided to learn to draw. I've been watching YouTube videos and reading articles. I always said I couldnt draw stick figures, but I've been working on drawing for a few weeks now and I'm not that bad at it. I tell everyone that 90% of what I do is erasing/editing, but I feel my powers of observation improving. Sometimes I just fill a page with color or texture, but I'm trying to learn realistic drawing. A friend gave me a lot of her neglected art supplies and I've just taken off with it. I think I'll post more in days to come. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

life hurts

It's been a very long time since I've posted. I've tried to figure out how to start this next entry but I haven't been able to. 

Right after I decided this blog would be more personal and less business, I lost my brother. Brent was 53 years old, had been a diabetic for 50 years, had a foot amputated, had a kidney/pancreas transplant, went blind, had congestive heart failure, had to have his new pancreas removed because it started kind of rotting, and a few days before we lost him he had a stent put in behind his heart. For all that, he was upbeat, cheerful, friendly and pleasant through it all. He'd tell anyone who'd listen that he was still alive because he got baptized before his transplant. He indulged me more than I realized. It has been over a year and I still have a hard time. 

2 weeks after that I slipped and fell on my tailbone. Full weight. 

2 weeks after that my pet rat died. 

I'm now on antidepressants and in counseling. I think I've needed antidepressants for a long time, i just didn't realize it. I feel more like myself than i have in years. 

Last month, my mom went in for a heart catheterization and they found multiple blockages and ended up putting in 4 stents. She's been in cardiac therapy for a few weeks now. Friday they increased her speed on the treadmill and Sunday i saw her rubbing her chest. I insisted she go to the emergency room and she listened to me. Turns out she was having a heart attack. A mild one. She also has congestive heart failure. She's currently in the hospital under observation. I'm a little freaked out. 

I've decided not to do graphs anymore. I didn't enjoy making them. I'm focusing on selling finished objects. Of course if i need to make a graph for something to work from I'll share it. 

I think this is enough for now. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

one of my favorite people

One of my biggest "make me something" people is my son. He's a teen now so I don't get it as often anymore (now it's all video games and movies!). But when he was younger I made him all kinds of stuffed animals.  I usually don't work from somebody else's pattern: I just make it up as I go along. He was always happy with the results. We have a great relationship. Every night at 8:00 he takes a shower, then hangs out in my bedroom watching TV or movies with me (usually his choice, even if I'm in the middle of a show!) until 10, then does his bedtime routine. I tell him "goodnight, you rotten kid" and he says "goodnight, you horrible mom" and we laugh.* He sticks to a pretty strict schedule because he gets a bit of anxiety if he doesn't. See, he was diagnosed with autism in 2nd grade (but I knew when he was about 6 months old that there was something different about the way his mind works). While I was working out how to make the zigs and zags in a Chevron blanket, he was working out how to get his favorite toy without moving! I'd put him on a blanket on the floor for tummy time and put the toy just out of reach and he'd cry and scream. It was terrible! I figured if he wanted it that bad he would maneuver himself forward to get it but no: he grabbed the blanket and pulled it toward himself! So I tried putting him on his bottom and putting the toy just out of reach again, thinking that he'd decide to reach for it, probably tip over on his belly, and then crawl to it.  He grabbed it with his feet and pulled it toward himself! That "rotten kid" outsmarted me every time! Incidentally, he still doesnt like to move much!

When he got a bit older I made him sweaters and even crocheted pants to keep him warm in these cold, snowy, Michigan winters. I used his favorite color, which changes every time he gets a new favorite show or video game. Back then it was Dukes of Hazzard so his favorite color was orange. Since then I've made him Gizmo (our first Guinea pig), our various rats and mice, (it seems to help him cope with their deaths when he has a stuffed version of them) and various others:  Homer Simpson, stay puft marshmallow man, the velociraptors from Jurassic world (those I used a pattern for), other video game characters, and a few failed experiments that he just wanted to keep! 

I can imagine him living with us for a long time after he graduated, but we are working toward making him independent. I wonder how long he'll keep these mementoes I've made him. 


*one time I said "you're a rotten kid" and he said "I know I am, you horrible mom, why didn't you raise me right?!" And I laughed till I choked! He got me again! He's still proud of that. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

the start of my crochet journey

I've been putting graphs and a few written patterns on here for years but I want to get away from that and just create. This blog is going in a new direction and I think I'm going to put my story on here to start it off. 

When I was 19 my paternal grandma died. We weren't close, but she taught me how to crochet, or at least she started to. I made a square that was more trapezoidal in shape and called it good. Fast forward a few years and I married my long-time boyfriend (we started dating a couple months after "Grandma E" died). A few months after that one of my best friends called me crying about her rotten so and so of a husband and I sped the 10 miles or so to her home, told her to pack up some clothes for her and their kid and come spend the night  with me. I won't get into the drama that caused,  but she and their son stayed with us for a few months and since she and I worked 1st shift and my husband worked 2nd, I spent my evenings with her building on what my grandma taught me about crochet. Did I mention that my friend crocheted? No, I didn't...but she did! She showed me her crochet project and I figured I'd join in.  My first finished project was a granny square blanket in all different colors randomly placed. I don't have it  anymore, but I remember the first square was probably twice the size of all the others! When my friend moved out I had something to occupy my time so I learned to read crochet patterns and made Christmas gifts.

Now I like making things, any things, all things! I love crafting. Before my friend moved in with us I was bead weaving and stringing beads for necklaces and bracelets.  But all of my projects are for a limited time until I move on to something else. Until I learned to crochet!! I've been crocheting most every day for almost 23 years now. I found my real passion. I think that we need to find what we really love to do and then do that. My husband told me he was afraid that if I started crocheting for money I wouldn't like to do it anymore. Well, there are times when I feel overwhelmed that I have a backlog of paid projects to complete and no time to try this or that thing I saw and wanted to make but other than that, no, it hasn't happened. I've slowed down a bit in the last few years, but nothing has stopped me. I may need to take a break to rest my muscles or joints, but I still love it and I still want to do it.

Go find your passion. Then do it. 

Saturday, December 31, 2022

What makes me happy

All year I've been crocheting up projects for other people and have had no time to create new patterns or even graphs. You want to know something? I like it! I really, really like it. Everyone in the crocheting world seems to agree that the money is in the patterns and that made me feel like I was unsuccessful as an artist (who barely warranted the name!) and that I needed to get off my lazy good-for-nothing butt and write up patterns! Since that didn't make me happy, I dragged my feet doing it and I felt rather like a failure in the business. Now I've found what really makes me happy: crocheting finished items. I want to make high-quality, affordable, beautiful items for people to love. This business, Kendra's Crocheted Creations, is what *I* want it to be. I do not have to conform to what I think others expect of me. I have been happier this past year making things for other people than I have been in a long time. I'm going to continue making finished items to sell, personalized items, unique items. Special orders. This is what I like to do. This is where my talents lie. This is what makes me happy. If I write up a pattern to work from and it works I will of course pass it on as usual. But I will not feel guilty for working from someone else's pattern. Yeah, I did that. I thought "I'm the professional, I should be writing up my own patterns to work from to be taken seriously." Forget that! Yes, I can work things up without a pattern but I always feel like they're not good enough or that somebody else did it so much better. So be it. I do not need to be the best pattern writer. Sometimes, it's ok to let someone else do the hard part and for me to do the easy part. Here are some samples of what I've been up to this year.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Jack and Sally free graphs

It's Halloween today! In honor of the love story between Jack Skellington and Sally of Halloweentown, I present you with these matching Jack and Sally graphs. They can be found at where you can save or print them. Use 2 dc per graph square with an H hook to get a twin size throw. General instructions are found on the website, but if you need help getting started or have any questions as you go please contact me!

Jack is enthusiastic and tends to throw himself whole-heartedly into everything he does. He's impulsive and a dreamer and quite the romantic!
Sally is sweet, forgiving, compassionate, caring, and strong-willed. She's sensible, but supports Jack no matter what (even when she knows he's wrong!).

These are reasons they're so loved as a couple! They balance each other out perfectly.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Barney the Dinosaur free graph

Barney the dinosaur was very popular when my nephew was growing up. Something about that goofy bright purple tyranosaurus captured kids attention. And that song (You know the one!)...what can I say about that song? It certainly sticks to a person.
To make this afghan, use an H hook and 2 dc per graph square. This means you'll double the number of graph squares along the edge where you'll begin and add one more for turning (either 90 x 2 = 180 + 1 = 181 or 120 x 2 = 240 + 1 = 241) and start your dc in the 3rd chain from the hook. DC in each chain to the end, and that is your first row of graph squares. Go to to save or print the graph to make your own. If you want me to make you one, I can do that too! Email me at for prices.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Arkansas Razorbacks graph

The Arkansas razorbacks logo has always been pretty much the same, but more refined over the years.  Rather than graph out the running hog, I chose to do a frontal view of his face.  If you really want me to, I can do the proper logo. I just kinda think that face looks fierce.  Am I right?

 If you want the graph, you can go to to save it to your computer or print right from the browser.  Any questions should be in the body of your email. 

 2 dc per graph square with an H hook should get you a twin size bedspread. 

 If you like, I can make it for you.  Email me at for pricing.

Arkansas Razorbacks
 Feel free to share your work with me when you're finished.  I love seeing your finished products. You may sell your finished items, but do not sell the pattern or claim it as your own. You may also modify it any way you like when you're working on it.  I love to see what  you come up with!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Chicago White Sox

Chicago White Sox

 The Chicago White Sox logo has undergone many changes over the years from simple to complex, but I think this is my favorite. 

To make a twin size afghan, use 2 dc per graph square with an H hook.  To get your starting chain, double the number of graph squares along the edge where you'll begin and add one more for turning (either 90 x 2 +1 = 181 or 120 x 2 + 1 = 241) and start your first dc in the 3rd chain from the hook.  Dc in each chain to the end and that is your first row of graph squares!

If you'd like to make your own, you can download or print the graph from  If you have any questions, put those in the body of your email, keeping in mind I just made the graph and haven't made the blanket.  If you like, I can make the blanket for you, email me for pricing and invoice. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Unicorn graph for sale

 I know, I usually post graphs that are free, but this one took a lot of work and time! (You may need to turn your phones sideways to see the graph!)

Unicorns are said to possess magical abilities and healing powers.  They are associated with purity, chastity, and power.

I don't think kids (and lately most adults) care about that though.  They just think they're cool!  And sparkly rainbow unicorns are the coolest.  I gotta admit, I agree.

This graph can be used to create a throw blanket about 4 x 5 ft.  Email me for the graph, general instructions (no written pattern), and pricing information at with "unicorn graph" in the subject line.  The graph is $5. After receiving payment I'll email you the pdf of the graph.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Free Tweety graph

 Tweety bird is one of the cutest cartoon characters every created, in my opinion.  He's adorable, saucy, and maybe a bit malicious (just ask Sylvester the cat!) But it's hard to take his viciousness seriously when he does it with such a sweet expression on his face!

This graph is made to create a 5 x 6 foot throw when using a J hook and 1 sc per graph square.  If you'd like this free graph, you can go to and save or print it right from your browser!  If you have any questions, put them in the body of the email.

I can personalize for a small fee if you'd like.

If you'd like me to make one for you I can do that too!  Just email me for pricing.

Monday, May 10, 2021


This tote is FULL of goodies that I'm giving away! Want to enter? follow my Facebook page and share, comment, and like the giveaway post! Winner will be randomly chosen on June 1. Must be a follower on Facebook to win.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

pretty flower face scrubbies pattern

With worsted weight cotton yarn (I used Lily's Sugar and Cream) and F hook, in magic ring chain 3 and 11dc. Do not join, do not turn.
2. In top of ch 3, and each sc, (sc, ch 1, sc). (24 sc and 12 ch 1 sp). Do not join.
3. In each ch 1 sp, (sc, hdc, sc). (24 sc, 12 hdc) do not join
4. *(Sl into next hdc, 5 dc in next hdc) repeat around. (6 5 dc shells)
Fasten off, weave in end.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Scooby Doo pattern for sale!

After working, reworking, and testing the pattern it's now up for sale on ravelry! Check it out here! <a href="">buy now</a> or, go to

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Army logo graph


I've been having issues with my computer for a while now.  I think that my wonderful tech support has fixed it as well as it can be fixed.  That said, a lot of my graphs have disappeared since the crash. This U.S. Army logo graph is one of them.  I just redid this one and I'm telling myself it's better than the old one.  I'm too smart for that though so please let me know what you think!

This graph is meant to be worked with an H hook using 2 dc per graph square in a Worsted Weight yarn like Red Heart.  This is a free graph. Just go to and clickon the picture todownload or print.  There is no written pattern.

Friday, February 5, 2021

New venture

I am super stoked to be starting out on a new venture with Angela from Angela Pearl Designs and Tracey from Barney's Snob Soap. We are each contributing our own artistic talents to create bundles at discounted prices for you! Please go check out the options available. I've had tons of fun creating little crocheted animals for these bundles. Angela has been sewing masks and wristlet straps (I have a few of these and I ADORE them!). Tracey has been working hard on her goat's milk soap recipes. I'd dearly love the feedback if you could comment below or on any of our Facebook pages. Please like, comment, and share share share! We'd all appreciate the support. Check out our bundle options here!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Scooby doo pattern testers wanted

I was requested to make 2 matching Scooby Doo toys for Christmas. This is what I came up with. I like it! So do the recipients, I'm happy to say. In fact, I like them so much I'd like to publish the pattern. What I need is a few people to test the pattern for me. Are you willing to do so? I'm afraid it isn't a paid gig, but you'd get a copy of the pattern! You need to know how to single crochet in the round, sew pieces together, stuff, increase, decrease, and backstitch. I'm calling this an intermediate pattern. Email if you're interested!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Little leaves shawl pattern

 One of my oldest friend's mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. As if 2020 wasn't bad enough! She had surgery and underwent chemotherapy. When I asked her if she was warm enough (I've heard people on chemo get cold) she said she'd appreciate a shawl. I have a favorite knit pattern here so I decided to modify it a bit to suit her needs because I crochet so much faster than I knit. It's warm and cozy (instead of light and lacy, like the original - another reason for my choices of crochet stitches and ww yarn) and I hope that since I can't hug her in person (I'm very frustrated with social distancing!) that maybe this will remind her of how much she is loved. 

This shawl is a simple 6 stitch repeat that is worked end to end. Make it any length, width, and color you choose (this on is about 25 inches wide and 46 inches long). I like them big and full-coverage so that's how I made this.  I used leftover yarn from 3 different skeins and I thought the warm, fiery color scheme was appropriate. Fire colors also remind me of the mythical Phoenix, who burst into flames at the end of their lives and are reborn from the ashes.  My friend's mom has certainly been put through the fire this year! 

You'll need to know how to decrease over 3 stitches with double crochet (see how here), DC, and chain. 

With an H hook and WW yarn (I used Bernat) chain a multiple of 6, plus 4, plus one more. I chained 95.

1. DC in 3rd chain from hook and each chain to the end. Turn.

2. Ch 3 (counts as stitch), DC in next. (Ch 1, 3dctog, ch1, DC in next 3) repeat to last 2 stitches. DC in last 2 stitches. Turn.

3. Ch 3, DC in next, (ch 1, 3dctog, ch 1, DC over ch 1 sp, DC in top of 3dctog, DC over ch 1) turn

 Repeat row 3 to desired length.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Toy Story Woody graph and bonus Buzz Lightyear


 The Toy Story franchise started in 1995 when I was fresh out of high school.  I didn't want to see it because I was too busy being adult and working my way through college, driving my own car (albeit bought for me, I did love this 20 year old Chevy Chevette in a Smurf-tacular shade of blue), and doing whatever else teenagers transitioning into adulthood do to  prove themselves grown up. 

I eventually saw it.  And I loved it.  I always felt my toys were alive in their own way and had feelings and thoughts and personalities of their own. This movie kinda resonated with me. I did have a favorite toy growing up (mine was Mickey Mouse) but I didn't take him everywhere like Andy did with Woody. I was way too afraid he'd get lost. There was no way I'd risk getting separated from my Mickey forever (he did come to University with me, though).  

Through the years I got lots more toys (I was about 3 years old when I got Mickey) but I was always afraid to have a new favorite because I didn't want to hurt Mickey's feelings. Andy was a bit older and more mature than me so he was able to get a new toy with as much favoritism as Woody.

Buzz Lightyear

Enter Buzz Lightyear.

Buzz didn't know he was a toy at first. Strange.  But he eventually comes to terms with it thanks to Woody.  Even through he may not have had to if it weren't for Woody in the first place...

But anyway, These graphs are made for a twin bed sized afghan when using 2 dc per graph square and an H hook. You can download or print the graphs at   If you'd like me to make one for you I can do that too! Email me at for pricing.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Baby Shark graph

I have to be honest here.  I know nothing about kids nowadays. 

Baby Shark
I didn't know much about kids when I was one.

I have no clue why Baby Shark is so popular, but I feel certain that anyone reading this is humming that song in their heads, you know the one.  I guess there's something about the rhythm and the repetition that is appealing for young kids. I find it annoying, to be perfectly frank. While working on this graph I had to ask my son to give me another song to get stuck in my head because this one won't let go! 🤣🤣🤣

But I have to admit, he's adorable.  Look at those big anime eyes and huge grin.   I just want to hug the stuffing out of him.  But this one has no stuffing as he's destined to become a throw blanket.  I'll post a picture when he's completed, but for now, he's just a graph waiting to be worked up for a neighbor's youngster for Christmas.  

If you'd like to work up one of your own, go to and save or print right from your browser.   If you'd like me to work one up for you I can do that too!  Contact me at for pricing. I can personalize with a name as well.

I'll work this up with a J hook and 1 sc per graph square and end up with a throw blanket (about 4 x 5 feet).  

I love to hear opinions so leave a comment below, or contact me on Facebook or Instagram.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pennywise (It) graph


 I had a friend ask me about making a horror themed afghan for a son who enjoys horror movies. The style I do doesn't take well to a lot of detail so realistic looking faces are not an option for me.  They end up looking cartoonish. But here we have Pennywise the clown, well, sort of...This is the DVD cover for the newest version of the movie.


I made this graph to be a twin sized afghan when using 2 dc per graph square with an H hook.  I'll post a photo when I'm done working it up.

If you'd like to try it yourself, you can go to and save or print right from your browser.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My first C2C graph! (Christmas themed)

Christmas boots
I've had several requests for my c2c graph of *whatever picture is being looked at* and I've had to correct the impression that all graphs are meant to be c2c. I had someone go ahead and make my Green Bay graph into a c2c style and it ended up being 9 feet wide by 13 feet long.  I'm not sure what she's using it for, but it 's good to have that information!

 I've never started out to create a c2c graph, though I like working them up myself.  I'm never sure how big to make the graph!  It took some trial and error (and tears of frustration) on my part to decide on a graph size for my twin afghans and I really didn't look forward to going through that again.  So for this one, I looked back to a graph that I worked up and had to modify to get the size I wanted and did a little math to find *voila* that a 40 x 60 graph in c2c would serve me well for a lapghan if I used an I hook to work it up.  

*Backstory on the process:

Basically, I liked the width of the blanket, but the graph I was using was square and it wasn't long enough.  I (yuck) did a few straight rows of dc across the top when I was done to make it a more acceptable length to me, hated it, donated it, and started again.  But this time I knew I wanted it to include those rows worked into the c2c. I added half those rows to the bottom of the graph and half to the top of the graph. When I finished, the graph was an acceptable size to work and it turned out great.

If you'd like to work this Christmas themed graph into a lapghan for  yourself, email me at for the pdf of the graph.  "Christmas Boots" should be in the subject line and any questions you have should be in the body of the email.  I do not have instructions to work the c2c method, but if you need them, look here for them. That page also includes a link for a video tutorial as well as written instructions with pictures.

If you work it up, please send me a picture of the finished product!  I love to see my graphs turned into real world items.  I'd love to see this worked up with custom colors on the boots for maybe a favorite sports team.  Maize and Blue boots on a Christmas green background would be perfect for my family!   What colors will you use?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

toy restoration

This is my 42 year old Mickey Mouse. I got him from my grandpa when I was about 2 years old. I remember walking with him through the department store and finding it on the floor. I picked it up, like toddlers do, and held onto it. When Grandpa realized I had it he tried to take it from me to put it back but I screamed (I don't remember this part! I remember being a VERY good little girl😁) and he couldn't bear to make his precious little princess scream so he decided to go ahead and get it for me. Unfortunately, it didn't have a price tag so he stopped one of the workers to ask and she tried to find another one like it that had a tag, but there was a problem.  There were no others like it in the store! The whole store! She asked other workers who had no idea. I don't know what price they settled on but my adoring grandpa bought me this Mickey Mouse and I've loved him best of all ever since. You can tell, can't you?  He's been gnawed on, bitten, cried on, slept on/with and loved to pieces. Literally! One time my dad and I were playing around and he acted like he was going to steal Mickey from me and when I yanked him back, the poor dear's arm fell off (Mickey's arm, not Dad's)! I was horrified and so was Dad! He immediately sewed Mickey's arm back on for me and told me it was his bionic arm since it was now stronger than the other one (at the seam).
This is what Mickey is supposed to look like!
I recently decided I'd clean him up a bit.  He has several worn spots, surface "stuff" on his face that I can't seem to wash off, general grunginess, scratched off eyes, missing nose, pilled fabric, his button is long gone and forgotten, and there are stains on his shirt I just can't get out! I've put him in the washing machine before but it didn't seem to clean him up any and now that he's considered an antique or vintage or whatever term they want to put on the old gentlemouse, I was afraid it would be too rough on him.

 I began by hand washing him with mild soap in the sink to get rid of the surface "stuff" stuck to him. The stains on his shirt didn't come out right away, so I used some baking soda and vinegar and a soft brush to rub it in.  It helped brighten up his hands, too! Ugh, I didn't take a picture of the nasty water, but it was pretty brown.  I found a reason for that though...

Once he was cleaned up in the sink I decided it would take forever for him to dry since he fell in and got soaked clear through. Since I needed to restuff him anyway (all the stuffing had migrated from his torso to his head and legs) I'd take the old stuffing out and replace it with new, dry, clean polyfill.  That's when I realized he was stuffed with...I'm not sure, nutshells? Maybe (did they put nutshells in toys in the 70s? I couldn't find any info to confirm that)? Which of course turned the water brown, like an unpleasant looking cup of tea.  So, I restuffed him, brushed him out  with a wire brush to help remove the stuck on filth that didn't come off no matter how hard I rubbed (and to fluff him back up...see the difference in my uber-loved Mickey and the new one? Yikes!) and replaced the button on his shirt front.  The button came from Grandma's button box that she gave me a few years before I lost her.  I used to make button strings in this box when I was very young and stayed at her house.
Grandma's button box...
with a few of my own added
bonus find in the button box

(grandma's button box in the corner)

 Oh, I also made a little mini pom pom for his nose and sewed that on too.  He hasn't looked like this in decades! Oh, do you see that worn spot on his nose?  Here's another one on the back of his head:
worn spot
I filled in the worn spots on his with some close-enough colored yarn I happen to have and brushed and trimmed that up.  My darling husband painted on new eyes (he still needs a touch up there but I was too excited to wait to post it!), and here he is!!

In all his newly restored glory! (Do you see his bionic arm?)
What do you think of him now?  I think he looks just about perfect. No surface dirt, a filled in masculine 😜 torso, button on shirt, no stains, no grunginess, no pilled fabric, eyes painted on, and a new nose! He should last another 100 years.

*That turned up collar on the right? It's always been like that.  I could have fixed it, but I think it adds to his charm.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Lighthouse silhouette graph

I beg you to please read till the end.  Lots of information!

On February 17 this year, I lost a beloved friend.  She had been battling cancer, which she kept mostly to herself because she didn't like people to worry about her.  So when I got the message from her cousin (who was my best friend from the time we were 6 years old!) it was great shock to me. My friend, Stacy, had insisted that she was getting better.  She told me of recurring kidney infections, but not that her cancer had come back.  She was an amazing woman.  She had a great capacity to love.  She sewed purses and wallets and had a business doing so out of her home. Several months ago she had to put her business on hold and move back in with her parents.

Stacy's Star
Her birthday is coming up soon and her family wants to do a benefit for her to help her husband with the cost of her headstone and probably medical expenses and such.  I was asked to design a blanket in her honor that will be raffled off at the birthday fundraiser.

Stacy loved  lighthouses and had a collection of them so I decided to include her favorite item in the design.  And I think there is something poetic about sunsets, which Stacy also loved, so I included a background of a sunset.  I love the colors in the first one which is just titled "Lighthouse," but I was asked to make it with more of a yellow/orange theme.  When I did so, it seemed very bare so I added 3 birds flying off together.  I chose 3 because Stacy had 2 sisters.

At Stacy's funeral, there was a very moving story about an aunt who thought of her when she saw a bright shining star in the sky (which I can tell you is very appropriate. She really was the bright shining star in the family).  When I realized I hadn't made the graph the correct proportions for a 5 x 6 throw I added rows at the top and there was a lot of blank space so I added one single bright shining star in her honor.

All of that to say this: Until her birthday on April 17, 2020, I would like to ask for a donation of $1 for either graph if you'd like to make a lighthouse afghan of your own (the star and birds are easily skipped if you don't want them in there). Please PayPal me the donation with the title of the graph in the notes section of the transfer and I'll email you the pdf of the graph.  After April 17, email with either "lighthouse" or "Stacy's Star" in the subject line and I'll email you the pdf free of charge.

If you'd like me to make you one, I would love to as I plan on donating the profits to the family for her headstone, or whatever they need it for, at the time of the benefit.  Temporarily, I'm asking $50 for the throw, if you pre-order by April 17. After then, the price goes back to normal. Email me to order.

I'm working on a finished product right now to be raffled off. If you'd like to order a raffle ticket, please let me know and I'll put you in contact with the one in charge of the raffle.  Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Finished photo to be posted as soon as I"m done with it!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Time to slow down!

I'm starting to overwhelm myself a bit. I have at least 4 projects that I'm actively working on (a stuffed duck; a pattern for Sonic the Hedgehog's friend, Tails; and 2 bathing suit cover-ups that could also be  summer sweaters) and the same day I buried a dear friend, my mother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I described myself as "emotionally exhausted" when I looked at my fast food receipt and saw that my order was wrong and did nothing to fix it. I usually have no problem correcting this type of mistake but I nearly burst into tears instead. Tears, because I was charged for 2 cheeseburgers I didn't order and was given Sprite instead of diet Coke!

Well, I certainly didn't mean to go off on that tangent! Let me show you what I've been doing instead.

There are a couple baby dresses in my Etsy shop ( ) and I added this baby cardigan also. I wish I had a baby model!

Baby cardigan

The owl scarf is for my cousin to match the owl gloves and owl hat she already has.
Messy photo
of Owl scarf
A friend of mine lost her mother a few years ago. Her mother would split skeins of yarn into 2 ply balls for her baby blankets. I inherited her yarn collection. I'm using them here for a couple bathing suit covers. The blue one is a pattern I found in a crochet magazine.  Who's ready for summer? I am!

Crochet! Magazine 

The second cover up is from an unlabeled ball from that collection. If anyone recognizes this color please let me know because I am in love! Pattern from a pinterest post called Whirl Mandala Cardigan
Then there's Sonic. After I watched the movie with my son and my dad, I had to make this!! It has a lot of fiddly parts and I had to redo the nose once and was tempted to do it over again, but my darling little prince ran off with him! I guess if it's good enough for him, I'm happy!