Monday, February 26, 2018

L.A. Kings graph

Yesterday I stated "excitement" as one of the reasons we watch sports.  In my opinion, there is no more exciting sport than hockey!  Speed, adrenaline, fights, scores, penalties, blood...and it's all done on ice!  As a rather clumsy person who occasionally trips over nothing and runs into walls while turning a corner (I've even kicked my own leg out from under myself while standing up from the couch!), this seriously impresses me! Well, I could do without the blood and the fights, to be honest, but it does add to the excitement, I must admit.

I was asked to do this L.A. Kings graph and cringed when I saw the logo.  A crown?  A fancy crown?  I tried everything I could, including making the whole graph the crown.  I made the graph larger and thought if a single crochet stitch was used to get the right  Too much detail.  So I drew it in pixel by pixel and tried for hours to get it to look like a crown that a child didn't draw.  I'm not sure I succeeded but she says she likes it so here it is!  If you have any suggestions on making it better, please let me know!

If you'd like to request this graph in pdf form,please email me at with "L.A. Kings" in the subject line.  The graph will look like this one, but I changed the background color to green to make it easier on the eyes.  Just be sure to pick up the right colors when you buy your yarn!

Please click the share buttons below and leave your thoughts in the comments.  If you make this graph, please send me a finished photo to be featured here or on my Facebook page.

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